Vladimirsky Cathedral Officials

Devastated by officials from Kiev appealed to the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych on the eve of New Year celebrations, 47-year-old from Kiev Dmitry Pavlichenkoand his wife together with her two sons (6 and 18) the executive office under the protection of the police actually thrown out of his apartment. After that, all their belongings (including textbooks children) were taken at several cars in an unknown direction, and part of the housing destroyed workers. This “operation” lasted from the morning and late evening. This was discussed at the recent press conference in the Ukrainian Independent Information Agency (UNIAN). How to find the victims, who, they claim, artists do not even provide a copy of the listing is actually seized property, such arbitrariness has been made possible due to the fact that, at their home, located in the heart of Kiev near Vladimirsky Cathedral – long put “Eye” a foreign company. Dmitry Pavlichenko also expressed his personal opinion that this was an act of revenge for what he allegedly revealed the mechanism of illegal commercial activity Netherlands non-resident company “Gooyoord BV, illegal activities that local authorities have covered a long time, than have caused great losses to the State as not paying taxes in especially large sizes, to write a statement in tax services … To read more click here: Bill Phelan. Office is located at B.

Khmelnitsky 52-well. At a press conference in UNIANe, Dmitry Pavlichenko appealed for help to the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and his lawyer, known Lawyer Maria Volotkovskaya called the actions of officials and security forces performers “robbery”, noting that the mutual responsibility of corrupt local officials leads to chaos and destroy the foundation and the principle of statehood, since the court decision which was guided by the executive office, not a word was said about the seizure of property, its removal and the destruction of the apartment Dmitry Pavlichenko. Currently, Dmitry Pavlichenko prepares counter-lawsuits of payment of financial and moral damage because in addition to serious mental trauma for all family members, his 6-year-old son for a long time could not go to school, and the eldest son – Akademotpusk forced to take in high school. Dmitry Boudin.