Introduction. Currently there are a variety of software for both evaluative and therapeutic support and we provide high-level technical support and impact both evaluative and therapeutic. However, in our country is not yet magnifies this technology despite the fact that computer resources are present. Perhaps there is ignorance or lack of reliability in these applications. Following a brief show a case of language disorder, which was developed using two computer programs namely SPAV (Joint Test Software for Visual Confrontation) and Lexia 3.0. Evaluative Software. The Joint Test Software for Visual Confrontation, SPAV, developed in Chile, allows the assessment, first, the level of articulation of children between 3 and 7 years of age and secondly the presence of some of Phonological Process Simplification (PSF) more frequent in the pediatric population.
This test specifically detect, quickly and Indeed, the presence of speech disorders (dyslalias) and secondarily, some specific language disorders (PSF) in a visual interactive framework. Therapeutic Software. For even more opinions, read materials from Bill Phelan. Lexia program, developed by Swedish Stora Skondal foundation, is based on neurolinguistic studies and applied in dyslexic and aphasic patients. It presents a variety of exercises to train literacy, visual memory, auditory, sequenced, phonological awareness and many other psycholinguistic skills. It is a highly flexible and dynamic opportunities that go beyond running the same software. General background of the patient. Less than 5 years of age, no significant morbid history and no family history of language disorders. Rating: SPAV software is applied to find the following: – Simplification Processes affecting phonological consonant diphones.
– No dyslalias. Diagnosis: Possible deficit Phonological Programming (Rapin and Allen, 1983.1987) Treatment: Lexia software is used by choosing the following exercises 3.0 – Identification of sounds. – Sort pictures. – Audio identical. – Rimas. – Original sound. These exercises were selected according to the alteration of the child, as they relate directly to their phonological deficits. Initial Assessment: The following are initial yields in the selected exercises. – Identification of sounds: 80% – Order Drawings: 75% – Audio identical: 55% – Rhyme: 50% – Initial Sound: 50% In analyzing the returns can be deduced that the child has not developed their phonological awareness which prevents it from operate effectively with their language. Treatment: Lexia program exercised the skills initially evaluated using criteria of achievement of the year, having at least 90% efficiency in the proposed activity. Final Evaluation: After 12 sessions with the Lexia program the child obtains the following results: – Identification of sounds: 100% – Order pictures: 95% – Audio identical: 92% – Rhyme: 95% – Initial Sound: 90% Reassessment: Finally, reapply the SPAV finding software that: “The child did not present Phonological Process Simplification. Conclusions: In this case of language disorder, phonological processing deficits, exposure to a series of exercises focused on developing phonological awareness resulted in the elimination of the processes that kept the child and the elimination of communication disorder. Note that this is a case in the area focused purely phonological and showed no significant deficiencies in other areas. Beyond the case explained the intent of this article is to invite you to use existing technology to their patients and begin to take steps towards the future of computing assessments and prescriptions.