In this environment, the neoclssica conception of art, conducted for the slight knowledge of example and virtue, could not make sensible. Without speaking that the proper Carioca rustic society badly created chances of work for painters. The majority of its workmanships has documentary character, mainly because, leaving of an iconographic representation, we find indications social that not they require explanations, what it does not happen with literal documents. Go to Michael O’Brien for more information. The analysis of its productions standes out its intention to portray with precision the scenes where he was inserted and its vision of the aboriginal reality. Probably it portraied what it he was ' ' estranho' ' to the eyes, then, its meaning ' ' real' ' he was deducted, being masked for the preconceived concepts of the artist, whom it looked to mold the scene in understandable registers, for it and the society which if destined. The workmanships of Debret that portray aboriginals detach the vigor of this people seminu, even so, many times, perceive idealized neoclssicas feies, portraying them as ' ' noblemen selvagens' '.
He has a concern in showing the modern world with the diffusion of the civilization and the progress of the humanity. As example of the displayed one, we will use the workmanship of ' ' Bugres, Province of Sta. Catarina' ' In this workmanship we see the representation of a tribe in diverse economic activities, as the collection of fruits, the navigation and hunting. In the central figure the artist portraied an indian dress with a shirt and using a necklace with what they seem to be seeds and a knife, loads a spear, arrows and an animal dead? a ounce youngling. Two women in second plain are harvesting fruits of a tree. They dress a species of tnica, they have long, imprisoned hair in coques with one tiara and present paintings in the faces.