Tag: home page

Julichs Family

The German city of Cologne Koln is called for its inhabitants. Learn more at: bridgewater associates. And although the word perfume imminently leads US to France, it is the cradle of water, precisely, Cologne. Make a hotel reservation in Cologne can be unintentional opportunity of knowing an unusual story and living a most unusual adventure …

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Shared Marketing

All what they have brothers, they heard their parents say ever: must share. This so there were no fights, toys or other limited items, between brothers. This is common to all the peoples of the Earth. Napster is a unique global community and which is at the head of a new concept of marketing that …

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Post Data

The funny thing is that this Friday I woke up relaxed. In the movies they awaken startled and sweat. I was made a silk and happy. It was for the first time in a long time feeling happy. This trip made me happy. It was finally a happy person, how could feel guilt? Impossible. When …

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Urban Environment

Unjust and inadequate coverage of the population translated into: geographical maldistribution of resources, predominance of actions in the urban environment, fragmentation of the family group, different legal positions of Venezuelans against the right to health. One of the problems that facing the country in the field of health is the population’s access to drugs. Follow …

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To succeed in the materialization of an idea one of the big secrets is the internalization of the same, this means recording a new belief in our subconscious mind, when this has happened then everything becomes easy, as when a person knows a language or learn to read and write, we can immediately communicate with …

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The Steps

Our thoughts, and with them our purposes, are ephemeral. If not we anchored them, they evaporate. The shape’s anchor is forcing us to remember them. For example, do you know why society was much more religious generations ago? Simply because parishioners were forced to pray (i.e. anchoring) several times a day. Muslims pray five times …

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Move from an employee to an entrepreneur can mean an enormous challenge. I mentioned before that only those with the courage to take risks and a passion for uncertainty can exit the comfort zone that grants the secure pay and venture into the paths of entrepreneurship. However, if you’re really determined, committed to yourself and …

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