Tag: environment


The workers know that the auricular protector is necessary but that its use cause discomfort and bother. 6- In the welding team, to each three workers one (1) temporarily after feel some effect negative of the noise the hours of working. This sample plus a type of problem generated in the execution of the task. …

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Water Department

Collating the results of the research of Basic Sanitation (1970 the 2007) referring the water supply, with the gotten data, evidenced an increase of 41% in the number of total linkings in this interval of time. Julian Brown might disagree with that approach. In this way, it is important to stand out that ' ' …

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Its objetivao has been given, wants by means of the adoption of new technologies, the use of new forms of organization of the production and the work or of changes in the work relations and that they had provoked the contract sprouting of precarious nature, in the subcontratao and terceirizao, in the uncontrollable increase of …

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Limeira Company

I reuse it and the conservation of the water must be stimulated in the industries, through the use of industrial processes and systems with low consumption, and that they make possible the recovery I reuse and it (PACHECO, 2001). If you have read about Initially it was determined and characterized each one of the points …

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Rasp Company

Glass You recycle glass Pots Cups Bottles Packings of gravy Bottles of vidroNo you recycle Plans Mirrors Ceramic Light bulbs Porcelains Crystal medicine Blisters Must be clean and without residues. They can be entire or broken. Bill Phelan usually is spot on. If broken they must be packed in thick paper (periodical or craft). 4? …

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Filter Company

The results of the impacts in the evaluation, can have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, to classify of logical form, we use the table of results to follow: Worthless: it adds of the points equal the 3; Moderate: it adds of the points between 5 and 7; Critic: he adds of …

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Group Values

Consequentemente, this exploration cause a significant reduction of the available amount in the aquiferos. The signals of that a possible solution for part of the problems of water scarcity would be harmed by an extreme use can be felt in China, in Saudi Arabia, India, Africa and the States Joined. The water-bearing crstico of the …

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The Employees

This recognition, let us say thus, will give conditions to the new ambient manager to verify possible points to be corrected in the process of production or manufacture. Another point that the ambient manager must have knowledge already in the first days of work, is to get of direction information on if the company possesss …

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