For its nature of sounding, it does not hold hypotheses that, however, will be able to appear during or to the end of the research. This research requires a planning and by means of it to play something necessary of the situation of the company and to get diverse forms of as to face the problems. 4.2 COLLECTION OF DATA the instruments of collection of used data to observe the viability of implantation of the mix of the marketing in company GAC FRUITS will be consolidated through the bibliographical research, by means of the comment.
The bibliographical research is the systemize study developed on the basis of material publishes in books, magazines, periodicals, electronic nets, that is, accessible material I publish to it in general. It supplies to analytical instrument any another type of research, but also it can be depleted in same itself (VERGARA, 2007, P. 48), the comment was made in I lease in the proper company through the supervised period of training. When observing, researcher wrote down everything that if it perceived, later produced the period of training report. 4,3 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF the DATA the type of definite boarding is the qualitative one, therefore it is the proper method for the exploratria research.