Socio-Professional Situation

In the present socio-professional situation the companies try to look for the form to be able to be different itself from the others, being more competitive, giving to added value to their products and to retain to his gold brains, with the aim of bearing the crisis or to survive. Nevertheless all we know that the economic incentives, the relaxation of the labor schedule, to allow to the labor and familiar conciliation or any other type of strategy to improve the motivation of the workers, have a limited and sometimes unexpected utility and results. I believe that although it is tried to consider to the person within the organization, still follows a model of offer and not of creation. From the Psicodrama applied to the company it has been tried to provide a new solution to old problems. Why we continued ourselves pawning on using the same strategies to solve the same problems, is that we do not see that they are solutions that they do not solve? , the man is the unique animal that encounters the same stone twice, and I would say that up to two, three or even one hundred. Already lodijo Albert Einstein if you look for different results, you always do not do the same.

Drama is a Greek word that means action, or something that happens. Psicodrama can therefore, to define itself as that one method that drills thorough the truth by means of the action. The Psicodrama is a global model that Integra the body, the emotions and the thought, putting a particular emphasis in the corporal action to reinforce these two last ones. It is born from the hand of his creator Brown Jacobo L. in 1911. At first like therapeutic method that later gave rise to a new practical educative modality, call Psicodrama Pedaggico or Pedagogical Role-Playing, and in another one of its slopes the Sociometra.