Do not give up his dream of enrolling in an online university just because you did not receive his high school diploma. Although most colleges (online and otherwise) require a high school diploma to enroll in any program that grants bachelor's degrees, there are still several options available for students who lack the paper to show that he graduated from high school. See the choice that fits best: Community College Most community colleges assume that a certain percentage of its population is without a high school diploma, and plan accordingly. They often have programs specifically designed to help people who show potential succeed without the diploma. Since community colleges more and more people are starting to create online programs, many new options open to students at a distance.
GED Some colleges allow students to enroll with a GED. Designed to be an equivalency exam high school, the GED proves that passing students are comparable to current graduates seniors. No traditional student status Students who have been out of school for a long time may qualify for "non-traditional" student status. This means that the student has been out of school for an extended period of time and is greater than the average student. Almost all universities have an organization dedicated to helping these students find success. You may be able to bypass traditional requirements (such as a high school diploma), demonstrating that they have relevant life experience and maturity shown. Concurrent enrollment If you still want to get your high school diploma, you may be able to take the college, while working in the credits of high school. Many colleges have special programs that negotiate concurrent enrollment, which allows a student to attend two schools at the same time. The good news is that many high schools allow students to earn dual high school credit by completing college courses which means you may be able to kill two birds with one stone. Blog updated daily articles and news about e-learning and distance education! Get tips and information on this new way of achieving knowledge and skills. Click ** Attn Ezine editors / Site owners ** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site as you leave all links in place, not modifying the content and include my resource box listed above.