Scandalous Circumstances

Uncertainty for patients and physicians is growing the “swine flu” mass vaccination in the country can start as planned on Monday. But increasingly, the dill tantisch prepared action ensures great uncertainty in patients like professionals! Not only that there are two different vaccines – the more expensive for political and military VIPs and now is the cheaper for the common people – also known, that the cheap vaccine on pregnant women tested was never! The hustle and bustle and even certain errors would be perhaps to understand if it would be for the swine flu to a tremendously dangerous disease with many casualties. But this is not the case: in Germany 21.603 cases of swine flu (influenza H1N1/2009) been submitted until 6th October 2009 a total the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) by the end of April. Cases are considered to be persons with a laboratory diagnosis as well as ill without laboratory diagnosis, who had contact with other laboratory-confirmed sufferers. Not included are tens of thousands, probably used the simply by a normal cold went out and this cured out without doctor consultation.

Indeed, the disease typically like a lighter influenzal infection is. In Germany, there were two deaths due to infection with the “new influenza”. The first deceased patient was a smoker, diabetic and had with 180 kg severely overweight. The second victim was a 5-year boy from the rural district of Munich with serious pre-existing conditions. Does that justify a mass vaccination? The real danger may come from the vaccine! Members of the Federal Government should one get an another swine flu vaccine than the rest of the population – which comes out without working amplifier and therefore considered compatible. Last experts had increasingly warned that the vaccine Pandemrix due to his active amplifier especially for pregnant women and children, intended for the mass vaccination is not to be recommended.

The mass vaccination against swine flu threatens to degenerate into chaos: The message that soldiers and members of the Federal Government is a supposedly better to get sustainable vaccine than the rest of the population, caused a considerable stir. Some doctors aver all vaccines approved in Germany are harmless others claim the opposite, especially with regard to pregnant women and children. High ranking politicians publicly distance themselves from the immunization, Pele talking in this context of amateurism and information chaos. In the face of the Verwirrspiels it hardly surprising that only 40% of Rheinland Palatinate ever willing to vaccinate themselves (source: AOK survey). Another danger is, although well known experts and feared, kept largely under wraps: viruses are extremely adaptable – even if only a few Rozent survive a global mass vaccination (which certainly is), the mutation to a “super”virus”, which is immune to all known methods of vaccination, is almost provoked it. But then begins the great dying and the renewed profit maximization at the pharmaceutical companies! Rolf Adams, Chefred. Rhein-Wied-news