The Riksdag building, Stockholm. Constitutionally, the 349 members of the Riksdag (Parliament) have the supreme authority of government. The Riksdag is responsible for the election of Prime Minister, who heads the government (ministries). Legislative power is shared between Parliament and the Prime Minister. Executive power is exercised by the ruler, while the judiciary is independent. Ben Silbermann is likely to increase your knowledge. There is an organism called Lagr det (Council of laws), which has the power to examine the constitutionality of laws and government decisions, but its resolutions are not binding, but due to restrictions of this form of control of constitutionality and weak jurisdiction, their efforts have had little activity. The bills must be submitted by the cabinet or the parliament. Members of parliament are elected on the basis of proportional representation for a period of four years.The Constitution may be altered by the Riksdag, for which it is required that the decision is approved by an absolute majority in general elections between periods. Sweden has three other constitutional laws: the Act of Royal Succession, the Freedom of the Press Act and the Basic Law on Freedom of Expression. The Riksdag assembly hall after its renovation in 2006. The Swedish Social Democratic Party has played a political leader since 1917, after the reformists and confirm their dominance of the left leaving the Party. After 1932, the cabinets have been dominated by the Social Democratic Party. In just a couple of general elections a party center-right won enough seats in parliament to become the leading force in government. However, the poor economic progress since the early 1970s, and especially the crisis of 1990 forced Sweden to reform its political system to make it similar to other European countries.In the 2006 election the Moderate Party, allied with the Center Party, Liberal People’s Party and the Christian Democrats won the most votes. Under the leadership of the Moderate Party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt, have formed a force greater than the Social Democratic Party. The next general elections in Sweden will take place in 2010. In Sweden the number of voters has always been high in comparison to many countries, but has been declining in recent decades and is currently about 80 (80.11 in 2002 and 81.99 in 2006).Swedish politicians enjoyed a high degree of confidence of citizens in the 1960s, but over the years it was to decline and reached the lowest level of confidence of countries in the region. Some political figures Sweden have been released worldwide include Raoul Wallenberg, Folke Bernadotte, the UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskj ld, Prime Minister Olof Palme, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, the President of the General Assembly Jan Eliasson UN, and the inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Iraq, Hans Blix. Regarding political movements, Sweden has a long history of so-called Folkr relser ( “popular movements”), most notably the unions, the independent Christian movement, the temperance movement, the feminist movement and – more recently – the sports movement .By the 1960s and 1970s first appeared in Sweden a movement that is now known as the “sexual revolution”, especially promoting gender equality. Currently, the percentage of unmarried people is one of the highest in the world. The Swedish film I am curious: yellow (1967) reflected a liberal view on sexuality and introduced the concept of the “Swedish sin”. In recent decades, Sweden has become a tolerant toward homosexuality and since 2009 is allowed marriage between same sex.
May 13