Photovoltaic Systems

Photovoltaic techniques and energy boosting EEG photovoltaic systems convert solar cell light energy into electrical energy. Photovoltaics is a field of solar technology. Photovoltaic systems are generating electricity and feeding energy into the public grid once. In addition photovoltaic used in mobile applications, including in solar aircraft, solar airship and solar vehicles. Solar batteries are used to store the energy produced by photovoltaic. The photovoltaic technology characterized by their flexibility and is therefore also used in areas without power supply. This applies in particular for their property annexed the island, but also when using in an electric fence or solar lights and in particular in the space.

Technically occurs the conversion of energy by means of solar cells in photovoltaic systems, which are connected to solar modules. The solar modules generate DC current fed into the public power grid and with a power inverter in AC is converted. A sole energy supply with photovoltaics is possible in the so-called island system, parking ticket vending machines are the best-known example. The photovoltaic technology is in Germany on the basis of the Stromeinspeisungsgesetz, as well as of the EEG (renewable energy Act) publicly funded with feed-in tariffs. In addition, there are further funding programs that subsidize their purchase.

This includes the investment allowance for photovoltaic systems, which is reflected in the form of tax credits for manufacturing and production-related services at the national level. Also, the KfW promotional Bank provides funds are disbursed via the House Bank and approved solely as a loan. The Federal States of Bavaria, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland have laws beyond their own solar funding in. The decisive advantage of photovoltaics is that solar energy is converted into electricity, without fumes,. for example, carbon dioxide, emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere. Photovoltaic is extremely environmentally friendly compared to other, used for power generation energy sources such as gas, coal, oil or nuclear power. The photoelectric effect is used with the consequence of light energy yield is partially reduced by the atmosphere and in particular through clouds in the conversion of light energy into electrical energy. Generating electricity with photovoltaic systems is relatively high compared to conventional power plants, which entail high consequential costs. The higher investment costs are compensated by the emissions of photovoltaic systems and low operating costs. A photovoltaic system is dependent on the respective weather and the seasons, which are responsible for a staggering range of radiation. So it happens that the energy yield in a July average is five times higher than in December. The life of a photovoltaic plant is estimated to be 30 to 40 years.