Peters Sound

Communication rests mainly, not in talking but in listening to, this is the fundamental factor of language. Only effective talk is achieved when it is followed by an effective listening.Therefore, listening is what directs the entire communication process.When we listen, we generate an interpretation world.Listening is more hear interpret hear it is a biological process, is associated with the ability to distinguish sounds in our interactions with a medium – which can be someone else-… Hear is the biological ability that have some living species being triggered by environmental disturbances in such a way that generate the sensory domain called sound. Certain environmental disturbances generated in some organisms, what we call the phenomenon of hearing. There is no listening if there involved an interpretive activity, even when there is no sound.For example.We hear the gestures, postures of the body to the extent that we are capable of attributing a sense. Also in the silent film we can hear when there is no sound. Listen to cash should be a priority in the interaction.Not only personally, but also in business.Tom Peters emphasizes that one of the main reasons for the poor performance of the American management is the fact that the administrator does not listen to its employees nor customers asus, or what is happening in the market. The Act of listening is based on open-mindedness, OK the others are different from us.Mutual respect is essential to listen to. Listening is vital for effective communication.Well as for coexistence and the personal and professional success.