Do not try to drive the same hand column in the meta-tag several times – to no good it will not. Best highlight a couple of keys and add them with commas. Lesson 3. Every element name Pictures, links – search engine indexes them in the first place. Each link should be a reasonable text that matches the semantic basis target document. It is like a key that visitor (and search engine robot) wants to open the room – the page. If the key tag 'Click here', and the room is clear that, of course – the discoverer of disappointed.
More addition, one mark is enough. In order to convince the visitor that the page is exactly what he needs – it is reasonable to make an additional (balloon) tips, setting title. This is especially critical for with respect to the drawings, the text on which the searcher can not (and unlikely ever to be able to) recognize. Lesson 4. 'Referential dependency' credibility credibility in this case – the serial number of the withdrawal site search engine for the desired request. Let me explain. Not all links to your site from external resources can be 100% useful. It is not even in a different category of sites.
We introduce the concepts of right and wrong external links: the right are those that correspond prospective search query and wrong – all the rest. For example, you promote your project on demand 'Platform game'. And the sites that you link to, as one man said in the text of your links: "An interesting and saytik beautiful '. Feel the catch? Your site will be coming at all those who are interested in platformers games! And the search engine will display your website on request only 'saytik' with signature 'found at the link: an interesting and beautiful ' The result – a completely different target audience, the absence of the desired result. SO: when they link to external resources carefully paint their html-code, and requires the partner exactly your setup options. Lesson 5. Uniqueness and individuality When crawling search robot countless websites take into account not only the content itself, but also its uniqueness. If the searcher finds the same content on different resources – he would solve the problem of indexing to its methods. For example, if the article was published at a well-known and popular site for a couple of months before that, the current page is just simply not a bit affected would be on the 'weight' of our website. Search engine would ignore its presence, considering the original older version. This can be compared with the stars of show business and those who are trying to be like them. Naturally, people would prefer This Marilyn Monroe, rather than its 'cheap copy'. To protect your content is very useful attribute at the bottom of 'When using this material, place link to our site', and indicate the real author. Article Prepared by: Igor I. When reprinting the material, reference is obligatory