I reuse it and the conservation of the water must be stimulated in the industries, through the use of industrial processes and systems with low consumption, and that they make possible the recovery I reuse and it (PACHECO, 2001). If you have read about Initially it was determined and characterized each one of the points of consumption of the company, sector 1 and sector 2 in such a way in the process (industrial water), how much in the use for consumption (drinking waters).
These points had been monitored through entrance hydrometers. A survey of the system of internal water distribution was effected in the company, and each point of consumption was characterized through taxes and outflow. After that the points of launching of effluent had been determined and also monitored with exit hydrometers. With this June was carried through the Hdrico Rocking in the trimester, July and August of 2010. The used methodology was of the cycle of continuous improvement DMAIC (It defines, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), to decide problems, defining strategical points of water use, executing measurements in field, calculating or still esteem when the same ones were impossible to be carried through, analyzing resulted, verifying improvements and acting with plans of control and corrective actions and finally, controlling the carried through performances (COAST, 2007).