My life with rheumatism by Monika Clemens rheumatism – it can meet everyone! The book of RHEUMATISM – an insidious companion”by Monika Clemens emerged from its own concern out. In the Federal Republic of Germany, we learn from this book, more than 9 million people are suffering from rheumatism, so almost every 10 citizens is affected. With this condition, life is not the same, as it once was. It is a life with drugs, side effects, and severe pain. And it is a great challenge, the affected individuals and their families every day on a new need to confront. “Gathered factual information and instructions on the following major topics are in this dedicated self-help book from the author: what is rheumatism / what is an autoimmune disease”? / First features, disease terms, less disease overview / preparation for the visit to the doctor / nutritional tips / important tool for hands / remain mobile / muscle relaxation / Krankheitskontrollierte medicines / biochemistry /.
Dietary supplements / quick help / gene twist 1 “/ changes in the immune system / PMR / arthritis / Fibromyalgia also come two medical rheumatism – experts say: Dr (H). Henriette Murakozy and Prof. Dr. med Jens Gert Kuipers. Mr. Dr.
Kuipers has written the introduction, here he deals mainly with the most important ways that today exist for rheumatism patients. (H) Dr Med. Henriette Murakozy spreads a colorful range of possibilities in their article loving medicine”, addressing also issues such as acupuncture and emphasizes creativity, music and love in dealing with each other and with themselves are as important. This book is enriched particularly by numerous testimonials of patients about their lives with this disease. Open tell pain of incomprehension, disappointments and excruciating hours, but also of hope and confidence and thus not only have us in their history, but give also a rich Experience next. This book passes not only valuable information and experiences of parties, but it is donating well courage and confidence: let this or any other disease dominate your life and your thoughts or distracted by life. Always looking for possible solutions. Say: I can! Because you can do anything you want. Your goal and what you do are sometimes sure about detours, but crucial. Everything is possible. “The own disease, the experiences and life with her meant that with medical professionals and interested parties a book for sufferers and their families was developed in cooperation, which brings together facts and experiences of parties and tips to a successful self-help book. Rheumatism – an insidious Companion by Monika Clemens – ISBN 9783981317367 – all available in bookstores