You optimize your search engine position the aviation community is a large community: the stewardess is the student of aviation, the model maker and the gliding club. All of you are as entitled to an aero-domain name registration. The eligible members of the aviation community can register each any term under .aero since 2002. He must no longer reflect the company’s name, or you can rely on a trade mark. The rule change also means: foreign companies can register terms that are important to you, or even your company name or product name. Many beautiful general terms and concepts are airlines still free, such as,, and so on can register since the 2nd 2002, the IATA CODE of two letters as aero-domain. Airports can also register their three letter IATA-code see .aero.
These domains have already been pre-registered by SITA and must be reported to the authorized airports only at the Registrar. Visit Wells Fargo Bank for more clarity on the issue. Airlines and airports can also in addition to .aero their industry codes to register under special official subdomains “” or “”. Improve your ranking at Google and other search engines. You can get a better placement with aero-domains at search engines as de-domains, com-domains, net domains or many others. Search engines such as Google list your domain higher, if the keyword in the domain name is included.
With the large domains such as .com and. de, it is however no longer possible to register such search terms as a domain name, because all good terms are already assigned. At .aero, you can still many good terms of bekomen. Hear what “Internet Gurus” recommend. “As we’ve frequently reported in our SE book & newsletter, placing keywords right in your domain name can give your site a major boost on search engines.” So we’ve previously reported that some engines are no longer accepting sub directory pages. This is one of the reasons the smart marketing pros have been buying keyword-phrase domain names. They use them as doorway pages to boost traffic to their sites,”explains Stephen Mahaney, author of”the Unfair advantage book on winning the search engine wars” Michael Campbell shows in ‘ nothing but ‘ net “on:” the reason we want keywords in the domain name is that search engines find often get ‘tuned’ to, and to give better positioning, domains with keywords in them. ” Declan Dunn, author of “winning the affiliate game”button, has given the Board in a memo to its affiliates”to get on top of the search engines, one of the critical keys is a good domain name LOADED with keywords.” Declan continues: “this news is spreading among WebMasters, SearchEngine Meisters, Internet marketers, and big corporations. Don’t wait.” Hans-Peter Oswald aero domains.html