Done with the school – what now? Now it’s happening again! School leavers have the choice, what training they seek. Our today’s training tip is trendy, cool and sophisticated at the same time: the event administrator (IHK) popularity this profession is growing, no wonder, varied and interesting employment opportunities there but with this comprehensive structured vocational training. The activity is commercial tasks that are required in the framework of conception, organization, implementation and follow-up of events. In the spectrum of possible events such as meetings, events, fairs, concerts, parties is including concert promoters, trade fair construction company, event agencies and departments of companies etc. as large as the potential employer. The ebam Academy offers a dual training worth watching in a pleaded a combination of classroom and internship training. It allows the participants practice-oriented learning with experienced speakers and the application the learned in in-depth internships. Creativity, ingenuity and ability to improvise are here just as in demand as skills for planning and organization, and good communication skills.
Start date for training in Munich is the 15.09.2013. More information and registration possibility under: kursliste.php? LID = 7595 & TID = 759520130916 & OS = 1 & LinkID = engineer Chamber of Commerce under up to 1.9.2013 we are giving away a trial placement with a /-m event agency or organizer all logins. 20 Years in the service of the vocational training the training and education of the ebam Business Academy for media, event and culture focuses on commercial, organisational and legal priorities in the areas of music, media, sponsorship, event and culture. The course models range from intensive seminars and compact winter – and summer academies on in-service part-time courses with ever a course weekend per month to the full time training. Since 2011, numerous courses and seminars as online course are available. Press contact: Elke Hancock ebam GmbH Business Academy for media, event and culture Engelhardstr. 6 D-81369 Munich t. 089 – 54884791 fax 089-54884799