Temporary the absence of such an employee can adversely affect the implementation of the project, as they often quickly replaced by such a specialist is not possible, and, therefore, necessary to distract from the work and train another employee, and if lack of resources work on the project can pause at all. 2. With the admission of new members to enter them in the course of the case requires experienced professionals who are within a certain amount of time will be diverted from do their jobs. It is clear that when a specialist little free time, the new employee will spend their time wasted or will be forced to constantly distract professionals from their primary work. 3.
With frequent changing frames is greatly reduced efficiency of labor experts. On continuous training of new employees responsible performers spend a large amount of time they could use to fulfill their work. The above problems are encountered in many organizations. Artists often do not read manuals, plans, procedures, and all other documents. The reason is that either they think it's a waste of time, or schedule is so tight, that does not have enough working time to read, and free time to spend on no one wants. Leadership in trying to solve a problem is usually confined to administrative measures (Intimidation, etc.) that does not give the desired effect. Practical experience shows that it is necessary to combine several methods by which you can get experts to read the documentation, and to do so, that the initiative came from them.