As It walks, this could be a signal of that it would have taisriquezas there. started d to wave eats mao pear the land, and despois pear the necklace, with what in the dezia that prepares in tera ouro (IT WALKS, 1500, p.129). Throughout the trip the Portuguese had carried through some masses. While these were celebrated by Frei Enrique, It walks noticed they ndiosacompanhavam that them and also they participated of the celebration. Aly aela esteveram comnosco workmanship of l or lnx d they asentados all in giolhos (IT WALKS, 1500, p.139). To the step of that soon it concluded that o mjlhor fruito that neela if can fazerme it seems that will be to save this gente (WALKS, 1500, p.140) through acrecentamentoda nosa saint f (WALKS, 1500, p.140). It is evident the cultural estranhamento and the impressions, almost never positive, concerning the aboriginals.
Contaminated for a cegueiramoral, one eurocentrismo, Pero floods its letter of critical to the hbitosindgenas. A necessity exists, on the part of the Europeans, of imposiocultural before these selvagens. Soon, the Portuguese intentions are clear. They sebaseavam in the mercantilism and the expansion of the faith catholic. Although to cartaperpassar for a long narrative of the facts lived deeply in new lands, oescrivo always has in mind these two main objectives. The end of carta enlightening and ratifies the Portuguese objectives: Neela ataa now we nompodemos to know that gold acts nor silver, nor nenhuia cousa of metal, nor of fero, nor we saw lh it; & Pero the fruito mjlhor that neela if can make me seems will queser to save this jemte; this must seer the main seed that Vosa Alteza emela must lamar (IT WALKS, 1500, p.140).
Bibliographical references: ROSE, CARLOS. Apresentao in: A letter of Pero Vaz deCaminha. Leaf of So Paulo, 1999. Special edition. IT WALKS, PERO VAZ OF. Carta of Pero Vaz de Caminha (1500) in: Jaime Corteso. The expedition of Peter lvares Cabral and the doBrasil Discovery. Lisbon: IN/CM, 1994.