Alcohol License

The license for the sale of alcohol products allows the holder to carry out retail, wholesale, manufacturing and storage of alcohol, while respecting all the conditions of licensing. Federal Law of 22 November 1995 171-FZ "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products," regulates the activities associated with the sale of alcohol. Under this law, licensing subject to activities related to production and marketing of alcohol products. Activities such as restaurants, cafes, stores and other activities related to implementation, production, storage of alcohol products are subject to compulsory licensing. Learn more at: Ben Silbermann. The license is issued for alcohol in the following activities:-production, storage and supply of ethanol produced, including denatured alcohol;-production, storage and delivery of produced alcohol and alcohol products;-storage of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing food products;-procurement, storage and supply of alcohol and alcohol products;-production, storage and supply of alcohol non-food products, and retail sale of alcoholic beverages. License for retail sale shall be issued for a period of 3 years, but on the wholesale term of 1 year. For In order to obtain a license for alcohol, the licensing authority must be filed the following documents: – application for a license – copies of the documents – a copy of the certificate of state registration entity – a copy of the certificate of tax registration – tax authorities on the absence of the license applicant arrears of taxes – characteristic of the object of licensing – document confirming the registration of cash registers with the tax authority – a document confirming payment of license fee – a document confirming the existence of paid up capital is a standard list documents, often to obtain a license requires additional documentation. Also, to obtain a license is required to comply with a number of conditions stipulated by the legislation. In general terms relating to space product storage and placed on the premises.