Very often we do not think about how we raise our children. And if they reflect, in those moments when the child's behavior does not fit into our idea of normal. Where are our ideas about the norm? In Basically, the parent of the family and parenting style advocated by the society at the time of our childhood. All this is tightly imprinted in the subconscious. And when we have children, we automatically implement its own model education. Even if it is we do not like it at times.
When our own model starts we do not like very much, either starting to pay too much suffering for all family members – we turn to the experts, books and etc. hoping to learn what we are doing wrong and change their style of behavior with the child. After that start forcibly impose new methods of education. But at one point, we again break down and react to old, familiar with the stereotype of childhood Why is this happening? Because we do not fully understand all the mechanisms that lead to the automatic launching of stereotypical responses. We do not understand those emotional hooks, which run our programs and scripts. And so simply "plugged in" as an ordinary machine, to certain stimuli. And at this time completely forget that a thousand times promised myself not to fall apart, do not yell at the child, not to punish, not to blame, not force, etc. Does this mean that it is not worth the time to spend searching for information about proper parenting? Does not mean.