(PASCHOAL, 1993, p.93) Inside of an organization, the remuneration system all it is centered in analyses of the Administration of positions and wages. First the position must be defined and, later the profile of the occupant, obeying always the profile of the position to be busy. According to Chiavenato (1992), the positions do not exist …
May 2020 archive
May 15
Navitum Pharma
This particularly applies to inflammatory processes in the artery walls, which are viewed as the starting point of the atherosclerotic changes, so the vascular calcification. And the increasing hardening of the arteries can lead then to heart attack and stroke. The results of this research from the United States match excellently with the results of …
May 07
A report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), published on 22 April last, pointed out that 44.5% of the Peruvian population is poor, while a 16.1% is located in conditions of extreme poverty. Beyond outstanding matters ahead the Peruvian Government in economic matters, the truth is is trying to carry out a policy of …
May 07
Successful Lean Management
Consultancy and lean management in Munich lean management: as a result, more than the sum of its parts according to the official definition is an approach to the optimization of processes, which aims to minimize waste and to harmonize processes lean management. After a thorough analysis of existing processes with the help of visualization redundant …
May 04
BU Insurance And Burn
If the burn-out in the disability leads many people currently suffer from the so-called burn-out syndrome, from which many celebrities and politicians are affected. Burned being”can have many reasons and also symptoms that can range from depression, listlessness to physical problems such as tinnitus, etc.. It is therefore relatively difficult to treat such a condition …
May 03
Setting Financial Goals
Management of personal finances often lead us to make decisions regarding the way in which we manage them. When it comes to that point where we decided to stop wasting or save a certain amount or change a style of life to spend less of what we produce, we decided to voluntarily make the necessary …